Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Success is Only Another Form of Failure if We Forget What Our Priorities Are

Oh hey, have you met perspective’s older cousin, “priority?”

Ready? Family, friends, health, exercise, social life, holidays, promotion, money, kids… prioritize them… you have 30 seconds.

For some reason, Americans (myself included… very included) think they have to prove something by doing everything themselves. We all strive to appear to be in control. However, there’s no way you can be in control if you are constantly juggling projects, feelings and events.

I’ve been meaning to share my article with you… and blog a million times… but somehow the priority monster ate me up and spit me back out… with a really bad hair-do slicked back with stress.

Recently, an industry publication picked up one of my articles about “Wellness in the Workplace” … a topic that I am quite passionate on. So many companies invest their health care dollars to remedy illnesses rather than preventing them. What a crock of...

I encourage you to check it out. You can find it HERE … Scroll down to page 43.

In the past year alone, my life has had a complete makeover. There have been so many changes that have forced me to take a look at my priorities. Like almost everything I have mentioned in my previous blog posts, this is also a work-in-progress. (Marriage, work, Zumba, friends, family)

Did I ever tell you about how I was the worst fiancé on the planet? Yes, I am usually very dramatic – No, I’m not being dramatic right now. It was a HUGE adjustment for me to get used to the idea of my new “family” in which 100% of the decisions affecting my life involved another vote. Letting go of some control was impossibly painful. Often throughout my engagement, I found myself acting very selfish… acting very… single. It’s amazing that I made it through with a husband. A husband who (IS NOT KNOWN FOR HIS PATIENCE!!!!) but somehow, had just enough to coach me through. Our relationship seems new and I have my God-forsaken-Mets-fan-of-a-husband, patience… and PRIORITIZING to thank. I think I like my husband a little now, imagine?

Certain changes at work have also forced me to prioritize and continue to do so. This one… not so easy. I suppose it’s all about taking an honest look at what I want to accomplish at work and letting go of the rest. It’s also about understanding that there are only 24 hours in a day. This would be easier if there were 24 hours in a WORK-day.

What gets me through?

I am a huge believer in lists! I make them in my sleep. Lists simplify my life. Just because sometimesI feel like I am being pulled in a million different directions doesn’t mean I am going to abandon my goals. Most days, I grab a cup of Joe (who is this Joe that deserves such an important nickname?) and I take a look at my planner. I am one of two people I know with a Blackberry and a hand
-written planner. (High-five to Ivan Brown, immediate past Partner in Charge of WithumSmith+Brown) I need to see it. I need to cross things off. I need to doodle.

Constantly reviewing/adding/crossing off/switching tasks seems to help me make the best use of my time and resources! Oh and by the way, these “lists” don’t work with a husband. I tried.

Not only is prioritizing important when time is limited and demands are seemingly …unlimited... but it’s also important when you have too much time. There’s a third cousin to perspective and priority and it’s PROCRASTINATION. I’ll tell you about that one when I get around to it.

I find prioritizing an essential part of trying to reach my “balance.” This is one of those “easier said than done” parts. I assume as I weave in and out of my life cycles my priorities will change. I just have to remember to keep a solid hold on what is important, what is urgent and what is unnecessary. Here's a kicker - you should be at the top of your priority list.  You can't do anyone or anything any good if you're not happy.  I also need to accept the fact that I cannot do everything… let alone in one day.

Family/Government proposal/hygiene > Glee/margaritas/pedicures

How do you prioritize your lives?

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